General Information » LAMS SLT




The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies. SLT provides ongoing evaluations of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement. Play an important role in school-based decision-making. Help to make school cultures more collaborative. SLT Meeting Times: 4:30 - 7:30PM. Locations to be posted for each meeting

SLT Meeting Dates: 
September, 14th, 2023 
October 12th, 2023

November 2nd, 2023

December 14th, 2023 

January 11th, 2024 ​

February 8th, 2024 ​

March 21st, 2024 

April 11th, 2024 ​

May 9th, 2024 ​

June 13th, 2024

Zoom Link for June Meeting: 
Peter Previti is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LAMS June SLT Meeting RESCHEDULED 06/20/24


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 9041 6423
Passcode: 564495


September 14, 2023 School Leadership Team Meeting Minutes 

  1. Friendship Icebreaker to model advisory focus in advisory as part of our Kindness Initiative this year. 
  1. Vote: Should SLT meetings be fully in person or hybrid? 
  1. A Qurom has to be in person 
  1. Ms. Ponella and Mr. Previti will always be in person 
  1. A unanimous vote for hybrid meetings was passed. 
  1. A zoom link will be sent out each month so more people can join SLT meetings 
  1. SLT Member Roles: 
  1. Recorder: Sabine von Borstel 
  1. Financial Liaison: Barbara Guzik 
  1. Timekeeper: Penny Angelopolous 
  1. Chairperson: Peter Previti 
  1. If you fail to attend 3 consecutive meetings you can be removed from SLT 
  1. SLT Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm unless otherwise notedMeeting dates: 
  1. October 12th 
  1. November 2nd ** (PTC is the end week of November) 
  1. December 14th  
  1. January 11th  
  1. February 8th  
  1. March 21st (School Play and PTC) 
  1. April 11th  
  1. May 9th  
  1. June 13th  
  1. SLT Structure: 
  1. Core Members: Principal, UFT Chapter, PTA President 
  1. Elected Members: UFT, PTA, DC37, CSA 
  1. PTA: 
  1. Have open positions: recording secretary and corresponding secretary 
  1. Title I PAC  (Parent Advisory Council) 
  1. Chair: Sheree Gibson  
  1. Focuses academically and works with the SLT to decide how to spend title I funding 
  1. Trying to change regulations to include Title I chair on SLT. 
  1. Principal’s Update: 
  1. Have 8th grade open seatsMs. Ponella is reaching out to other schools 
  1. SLT works together on the CEPThe CEP is a living document. 
  1. We get Reso A funds because of SLT 
  1. Capital funding is a larger amount of money that the SLT also applies for. 
  1. Queens Borough President Donavin Richards gave us $150,000  
  1. Solar panels will be installed on the roof and the auditorium will be upgraded shortly. 
  1. Science lab construction is underway 
  1. Security camera kick off meeting was today. 
  1. Air conditioners are beginning to break downThere’s no money to repair any of themThe air conditioners in the basement cannot be used in the classroom. 
  1. “What Happens Here Will Change the World”  Our Motto 
  1. Over 900 of our students do not speak English as their first language 
  1. Social Emotional Supports for Children: 
  1. Advisory for All 
  1. Restorative Practices 
  1. Peer Mediation 
  1. Homeroom 
  1. Assemblies 
  1. “I” Messages 
  1. Social Emotional Supports of Families: 
  1. Parent Workshops 
  1. Guest Speaker Series 
  1. Coffee with the Cabinet 
  1. Family Surveys 
  1. Open Door Policy 
  1. Weekly News 
  1. Parent Emails 
  1. Social Emotional Supports for Teachers: 
  1. CAVU Group Professional Development 
  1. LCI Learner Center Initiative 
  1. Trauma Informed Instruction 
  1. Culturally Informed Pedagogy 
  1. Bias Training 
  1. De-escalation strategies 
  1. “I” messages 
  1. www. is our school website 
  1. GAMA (Grades, Attendance, Messaging Application) 
  1. Data drives instruction 
  1. Haven’t gotten the item analysis yet.  
  1. Parents got them yesterday 
  1. Writing exceeds readingShifting back to vocabulary 
  1. Met CEP targets last year by January so we increased them last year.   
  1. Next meeting we will be writing and reviewing CEP goals. 
  1. Actions to Meet Our Goals: 
  1. Data Track 
  1. Multiple Entry Points 
  1. Differentiated instruction 
  1. Increased Writing tasks 
  1. Graphic organizers 
  1. Vocabulary development 
  1. Instructional opportunities 
  1. MLL teacher opportunities 
  1. Family involvement and support 
  1. District 30 goals align with Chancellor’s pillars 
  1. Schoolwide Initiatives: 
  1. College Access for All 
  1. Computer Science for All 
  1. Algebra for All 
  1. I-Ready 
  1. Learner Centered Initiatives (LCI) Grades 6 and 7 
  1. Mindfulness 
  1. Growth mindset 
  1. New curriculum for Math and ELA 
  1. US History Regents for All 
  1. School-wide monthly breakfast gatherings 
  1. Upcoming Dates: 
  1. October 3rd: Ryan’s Story Assembly 
  1. October 9th School Closed 
  1. October 10th ENL Parent Workshop 
  1. October 11th Virtual High School Night 
  1. October 13th LAMS Family Picnic 4:30 – 6 pm  
  1. October 16th through October 20th Book Fair 
  1. October 17th ISS Parent Workshop 
  1. October 18th Unity Day Wear Orange 
  1. October 20th Breast Cancer Walk 
  1. October 23rd through 27th Red Ribbon Week: Anti-drugs 
  1. October 24th Candy drive 
  1. Ms. Ponella passed out the SLT version of the budget 
  1. Average teacher salary $98,131 
  1. 157 people on staff 
  1. Title I funds used for clubs and tutoring 
  1. Bulk of money for title I is for supplies right now 
  1. Can’t touch NYSTL money 
  1. Ms. Exarhos is point for a swap shop for students who’ve outgrown their uniform.   
  1. Principal can only do one fundraiser a year but the PTA cab do as many as they want. 
  1. This year we’re giving back to the communitySinging in senior homesFundraiser for animal rescueEyeglass driveMustache monthServe your community and help one another out.   

SLT November Meeting – 11/2 at 4:30

  1. Welcome
  2. Call to Order
  • October minutes – Approved
  1. Principal’s Update: October Highlights and Recaps
    1. LAMS Family Picnic – 500 people attended
    2. Scholastic Book Fair
    3. ISS Parent Workshop
    4. UNITY Day recap
    5. Breast Cancer Awareness
    6. Red Ribbon Week
    7. Grade 5/6 Fall Dance
    8. School Spirit Day – Character Day
      1. Scavenger Hunt
    9. School Pictures
    10. Picture Highlights from School Events shared
    11. Thank you to all our volunteers and the PTA!
  2. Principal’s Update: November Highlights/Events
    1. Coffee with the cabinet on 11/15
    2. LAMS Open House on 11/1
    3. Fall Dance for 7/8 on 11/3
    4. Election Day (school closed for students)– 11/7
    5. Moustache Fund Raiser – 11/8
    6. SHSAT – 11/8
    7. Parent Teacher Conference – 12:30-2:30, 5:00-8:00
    8. Student Organization Elections - 11/13
    9. Family Game Night on 11/16 – 4:30 – 6:30
    10. PTA – 11/16
    11. Spelling Bee – 11/21
    12. School Spirit Day – Appropriate Pajama Day 11/22
    13. Thanksgiving Recess 11/23-11/24
    14. LAMS Gives Back – Food Drive all month long
    15. Candy Sale – 11/27
    16. Comic Book Trade – 11/28
    17. LAMS Open House Dates 11/18 (9 am and 11:15 am), 11/29 (5 pm)
    18. Title 1 PAC Meeting at 6:30
  3. “World Changer Event” for the Month
    1. Look for the good in others
    2. Classroom activities are available for the larger school community and advisory classes
    3. Kindness Cash are provided to students
  • Data and Meeting CEP Goals
    1. LAMS ELA percentages of 3s and 4s in comparison to other Queens NYC Public School Districts is higher
    2. LAMS Math percentages of 3s and 4s in comparison to other Queens NYC Public School Districts is higher
    3. Percentage of LAMS Students that Passed Regents
      1. Algebra 1 – 100%
      2. Living Environment – 99%
  • US History and Government – 86%
  • CEP Focus Section 7: Parent and Family engagement Policy and School-Parent Compact
    1. Components for Focus
      1. Encouraging School Level Parental Involvement
      2. School Parent Compact
        1. Parent – Guardian Responsibilities
      3. All SLT Members should have received an invitation to view the CEP
        1. Accept the invitation
        2. Review Section 7
      4. Working towards our CEP Goals with iReady
        1. Goals with iReady aligned with District’s 13% jump
        2. Data will be ready by December
        3. 11/10 is the official end of the beginning of year window including make-up assessments
        4. Review of preliminary numbers to gauge targets aligned with School Goals and District Goals
      5. Budget
        1. Register Loss
          1. We are at 1575 students, which is below our usual register
          2. We may lose upwards of $9,000- $10,000 per student, and money will have to be paid back
  • High 8th grade student loss
  1. 7th grade register is fine at the moment
  1. Construction Updates
    1. Elevator Repair
    2. Security Camera Installation (tentative for November)
    3. First set of Science Labs should be done by December
    4. Auditorium updates will start soon
    5. Solar Panels to be followed up on
    6. New Chillers (for the air conditioners) will need to be placed in– it is planned to happen on Election Day
    7. Classroom furniture that was ordered will be re-checked by manufacturers
  • Items for Next Month’s Agenda
    1. SLT meeting hybrid meeting, please fill out the form for availability in person or remote
    2. Please accept the invitation to view the CEP
December SLT Meeting – December 14, 2023
I.    Welcome/Call to Order

II.    Reading and Approval of November Minutes
a.    November Minutes Approved by all

III.    Principal’s Update
a.    November Events
i.    November 1st , November 18th and November 29th LAMS Open Houses
ii.    November 3rd Grade 7/8 Fall Dance
iii.    November 7th Election Day
iv.    November 10th Moustache Day Fundraiser for Movember  
v.    November 8th SHSAT Exam
vi.    PTC 12:30pm – 2:30 pm and 5pm - 8pm
vii.    SO Elections – Announcements after Thanksgiving Recess
viii.    November 16th Family Game Night
ix.    November 16th PTA Meeting
x.    November 21st Spelling Bee
xi.    November 22nd Pajama Day
xii.    November 23-24 Thanksgiving Recess
xiii.    LAMS Gives Back Food Drive all month long
xiv.    November 27th last day for Candy Sale
xv.    November 28th Comic Book Trade
xvi.    November 30th LAMS Title 1 PAC Meeting
b.    Community concert coming up.  Elementary schools, senior citizens and local politicians are invited.
c.    Our Spelling Bee winner is going to the district level
d.    Toys for Tots Drive for month of December 
e.    Made $13,600 from the Candy Sale Fundraiser.  Money can be used to purchase new laptops to replace the broken ones.
f.    We offer the most regents exams in the whole city. 
g.    December Calendar Highlights
i.    December 1st Winter Door Extravaganza begins
ii.    December 6th Coffee with the Cabinet
iii.    December 6th Internet Safety Assembly for Grades 5/6
iv.    December 6th Parent Workshop on Internet Safety
v.    December 8th Climate Action Day
vi.    December 12th ENL Parent Workshop
vii.    December 14th SLT Meeting
viii.    December 15th Door Extravaganza Ends
ix.    December 18th Dress rehearsal for Winter Concert
x.    December 19th PTA Sale, H2 Concert, Evening Winter Concert
xi.    December 20th PTA Sale, H3 Concert, Evening Winter Concert
xii.    December 21st Community Concert, Spirit Day Ugly Sweater, David Kong Technology Night 5 pm, Title I PAC Meeting 6:30 pm
xiii.    December 22nd School Spirit Day – Holiday Hat Day, Senior Center/Hospital Caroling
xiv.    December 25th Winter Recess Begins
h.    Ms. Ponella’s vision is to create a commercial to show parents highlights of our events so they know what to expect.

IV.    DATA and CEP – CEP Signature Page Completion
a.    Access granted to iplan portal for al SLT members
b.    Signature page signed and will be uploaded

V.    Budget/Construction Project Updates
a.    Auditorium:
i.    On or around March 7th we’re waiting to begin construction
b.    Elevator:
i.    Waiting for a special piston to repair it
c.    Solar Panels:
i.    December 5th kick off meeting for construction
ii.    4-5 month project
iii.    All work done outside the building
iv.    City will take care of the upkeep
d.    Security Cameras:
i.    November 15th meeting for security cameras
ii.    Was a problem with the design because the drawings didn’t match our building
iii.    Work will be done over a weekend
iv.    June 2024 is the date we’ve been given for the cameras
e.    Science Labs:
i.    248, 348 and 448 are currently under construction.  As soon as these are done they’ll move to the next rooms.
ii.    Designs didn’t match the engineer’s reports
iii.    Each room getting a promethean board, a desktop and laptops
iv.    Rooms are necessary for lap components of curriculum
f.    Past week Principal’s were given a space survey.
i.    Want to keep the same number of children using the space we have
ii.    Came from Governor Hochul if this happens
iii.    Want to reduce class size and only utilize the space already in schools
iv.    We wouldn’t be able to keep our house structure
v.    Would impact programming and what makes us special
vi.    Would lose a lot of programs
g.    We’ve been losing money from certain lines from our budget
i.    APPR money was given during COVID.  Ms. Ponella hired 3 social workers and deans with this money.
ii.    Non academic positions would be the first to be cut
iii.    Funding and grants cannot be used for a teacher salary. 

VI.    Capital Projects Submission to CEC 30
a.    Deadline December 15th 
b.    Of the project items listed the four that would be most helpful to our school are School Elevator Upgrade, Bathroom Upgrade, Library Upgrade and Science Upgrade
c.    Francisco Moya gave us money for our auditorium
d.    Discretionary funds could be spent any way
e.    We’re getting a new lift for our students with disabilities to get on and off the stage in the auditorium
f.    Vote on Capital Projects:
i.    Elevator Upgrade: 14
ii.    Bathroom Upgrade: 9
iii.    Library Upgrade: 1
iv.    Science Lab Upgrade: 7
v.    Atrium: 0 

VII.    PAC Update – School Spending Plan for Title 1 Set-aside funds
a.    $6985 have to spend.  At the PAC meeting next week they will decide to how to spend it.
b.    Options to spend the money:
i.    Partnerships with NYC Cultural Institutions
ii.    Adult and Education focused field trips
iii.    Workshops (Virtual and In-person)
c.    Sent a survey to parents to ask them how they’d like to spend the money
d.    This money has to be accessible to all of our families and parents

VIII.    Items for Next Month’s Agenda
a.    Construction updates
b.    Computer-Based Testing: Where we are and Next Steps for January
c.    iReady Mid-year window

IX.    Closed Session
a.    All visitors were asked to leave while a closed session was held